Power in Stillness


The Potential Trap of Spiritual Highs - Sam Woolfe

BH Providers Could Turn to Foreign Investors for Next Capital Infusion - Behavioral Health Business

The Seven Effective Conditions for Common Mental Disorder (CMD) Prevention - Science Direct

California Launches Free Mental Health App for Children & Families - Good News Network


Key Practices for Establishing Brand Identity & Differentiators

In the healthcare landscape, there is little emphasis placed on understanding your practice’s branding and conceptual differentiators. From therapists to holistic providers, identifying your service offerings, target population, and tone are very important in differentiating your brand among other providers in the space.

Here are some practices that can help in this process:

  1. Define Core Values:

    • Clearly define your company's core values and principles.

    • These values should align with the beliefs and preferences of your target audience.

  2. Understand Your Audience:

    • Create detailed buyer personas to understand the needs, preferences, and behaviors of your target audience.

    • Tailor your brand identity to resonate with the desires of your customers.

  3. Brand Personality:

    • Define the personality of your brand – is it fun, serious, innovative, or traditional?

    • Ensure that your brand personality aligns with the preferences of your target audience.

  4. Consistent Branding:

    • Maintain consistency across all branding elements, including logo, colors, messaging, and imagery.

    • Consistency helps in building a recognizable and trustworthy brand.

  5. Customer Feedback:

    • Gather feedback from existing customers to understand what they value most about your product or service.

    • Use positive feedback as part of your brand messaging.

  6. Storytelling:

    • Craft a compelling brand story that communicates your mission, values, and the journey of your business.

    • People often connect with stories, and a well-crafted narrative can enhance your brand identity.

  7. Adaptability:

    • While defining a strong brand identity, leave room for adaptability.

    • Markets and consumer preferences evolve, and your brand should be able to adapt without losing its core identity.

By implementing these practices, practices can develop a clear and compelling brand identity that resonates with their target audience and sets them apart in the market.


Power in Stillness

My relationship with caffeine has been mulled over many, many times.

There have been times in my life when caffeine has been a necessary additive - propelling me during undergrad to juggle classes, an internship, and campus job over two semesters. Similarly, caffeine was a crutch during my graduate degree, when I worked full time during the day, and then attended evening classes three times per week, having my days end at 10pm.

I always look to caffeine, and coffee more specifically, as a super power. Some special elixir that allows me to transcend my normal brain and equips me with some unique genius. It feels like the movie Limitless - although I’ve never seen it, I can imagine how it might end.

How my Limitless story ended: Constant motion is counter productive. Relentless gears churning and cerebral stimulation actually slows you down. Moving with intention gets you further than moving fast and blindly.

It’s amazing how much you can get done when you’re … calm.

Instead of reaching for coffee, whether it’s my first of fourth cup of the day, I ask myself:

Can something internal spark me here?

Do I need something external? Like a stimulant? Or distraction?

What if I took a step back? One step back to prepare for 3 steps forward?

Reach for stillness.

With Gratitude,

Ryan Scanlon, MBA
Flourish Your Practice, LLC




Mistakes (And How to Make Them)